Staff of the Strategic Information Department participate in a review meeting.
reports on newly diagnosed HIV cases, estimates of HIV incidence, estimate of HIV burden, treatment outcomes among People Living with HIV etc. to disseminate within the Institute and to a public health authority. This informs prevention strategies.
The Health Informatics unit is responsible for implementing and maintaining all information management systems within the organization. The Institute currently has systems in place that manage both patient and program level data. The unit also develop electronic tools and software programs to manage the huge data generated from the Institute’s multiple projects.
The electronic Patient Management and Monitoring system being used by the Institute is the Open Medical Record System (OpenMRS) software designed to capture longitudinal data on patient’s clinical encounters across the different service delivery points. The unit is also responsible for implementing and maintaining DHIS 2.0 web-based platform used for collection, collation and analysis of aggregate program level data for reporting. The other activities of the unit include, providing technical support and trainings on all the various platforms.
Unit contact email: [email protected]